Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cleaning up the Waimea Estuary

This is Clean-up New Zealand Week.

Our school went for a big walk down to the Waimea Estuary.

Each class was given an area to clean up.

Pukeko Class had buddies from Kotuku Class.

We had one bag for rubbish and another bag for anything that we could recycle or reuse.
We had to wear gloves to protect our hands.

Isaac and Izzie found some wire.

Morgan found a big board and some plastic bottles.

Heidi picked up a McDonalds bag.

Jasmine found some blocks of polystyrene foam.
We were as busy as buzzy bees. It was almost like a treasure hunt!
We had lots of fresh air and exercise!

It was a long way to walk!

Ruby did so well on her very first day of school.

We felt disappointed about the people who spoil our precious world with litter.

But we feel happy and proud to have helped with a big clean-up, to keep our town and New Zealand beautiful.


  1. Great work Room Pukeko, looks like you picked up some interesting pieces of rubbish! Mr Turnhout

  2. What a fantastic report about the big clean up! Your photos are lovely and show so well all the different sorts of rubbish we found. Well done Pukeko!

  3. Great work Pukeko! Your photos are great! Kereru Class

  4. I enjoyed working with you guys.

  5. Hi pukeko just wanted to say that your blog is looking great and that everyone did an awesome job at picking up all the rubbish

    From izzy :)

  6. You guys did great!!!! Keep up the great work

    Lydia Swaney

  7. Pukeko was an awesome buddy class! I loved being Jasmine and Amie's buddy!
    Alisha :)

  8. If we had gumboots I wouldn't have got cut like me! I think you guys did a great job of tidying up. From Zac

  9. Pukeko Class you were as busy as bees! I am impressed that you walked such a long way and still had lots of energy to pick up rubbish. Well done on your efforts to look after our beautiful world.
    Mrs J.Ashley

  10. wow weren't you all busy cleaning up and keeping new zealand beautiful thank you

  11. Well done Pukeko class! Its nice to see so many children doing something to help the environment!
    Beth from Whio class

  12. What a good way to keep NZ clean good job Pukeko class.
    Bailey from Whio
