Friday, June 28, 2013

Robot Technology

After we had designed our robots in our Inquiry books, we collected a mountain of boxes.

We carefully chose the right size and shape of boxes to match our design.

We had lots of tubes for arms and legs.

We use lots of tape and glue to put our robots together!

At last they were ready for painting.

We painted them grey all over.

We used a lot of paint because our robots were so big!

After we had painted them all over with grey, we used silver spray paint to make them  look shiny and more like metal.

Here they are all painted and drying in the sun!

Now for the electric circuit to make the light go. 

We have got very clever at learning to make a simple circuit. But for our robots we had to make a circuit with a switch! We need to be able to turn them off so the battery lasts longer.

We say a big thank you to Taylor's Mum who helped teach us about circuits and electricity.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Putting on Plays

Some of Pukeko reading groups have started doing plays for the class.

We try hard to speak clearly.

We make our voice sound interesting, by using expression.

We try to act the part and do the right actions.

We like making the audience (that's the class) laugh!

We sometimes make masks or wear costumes.

We enjoyed this funny play called "Frog School".

Another animal play was called "The Strange Shoe".

Spencer was the monkey and Carter was the bear!

The wolf was Maya and the tiger was Taylor!

The reader has to introduce the people in the play.

Holly made a great wise owl!

Our Garin student helped out by playing the part of the deer!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Making Compost

Pukeko Class has started making compost with the school food scraps. We have a new big compost bin that Carter's Dad put together for us. Thankyou Mr Smith!
We collected fallen leaves and got a bag of sheep manure. We make layers of food scraps, leaves and sheep manure.
We take turns each term at being compost helpers.
We carefully add each layer in the top of the compost bin.
It's a bit like making a cake and adding all the ingredients! It's a good way for us to
help the environment and it will be great to have free compost to put on the school gardens!
This pumpkin grew in the school garden with the help of some compost.
We have picked one and are going to make some delicious pumpkin soup on a Winter day.