Thursday, September 26, 2013

Who's this dude?

That Disco Dancing is thirsty work!

Dancing Queen!

Boys at the Disco!

Disco Dancing!

All the prize winners at the Book Parade! Who can spot Zachary Quack?

I like painting with bright colours at Discovery Time!

I choose to paint at Discovery Time!

I like painting at Discovery Time!

Baking at Discovery Time. We measure the ingredients carefully.

We all like helping to bake. We read the recipe and we follow the instructions carefully.

Making Yummy Marshmallow Surprises at Discovery Time today.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


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We were working as a team with the Gears.

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This is Gordon Elijah and me working together to make an electrical circuit.

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I am making a pom pom with Holly's grandma. It was fun.

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In discovery time today I was drawing flowers on the bird house we made last week.

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Kite Flying
