Friday, March 7, 2014

On Friday March 7 we took part in Purple Cake Day activities. We collected donations to send to children in Kenya.

We went to visit the Life Education truck to learn about how we breathe. Harold the giraffe taught us that we breathe in Oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide.

Week 5 was a busy week! We had Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and the Swimming Sports. Here we are receiving the ashes on our foreheads at our Ash Wednesday liturgy.

On Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent started, we made pancakes to eat and had pancake races!

Some movies of the Pancake races!

Week 4 and our first Discovery Time on Thursday morning. We had fun with the ramps and blocks, the woodwork table, puppets, making popcorn and our new dress-ups.